T A K E  O W N E R S H I P  O V E R  Y O U R  F A I T H 

Explore our small Groups!

Without strong relationships, our trust in God stagnates and withers to zero eventually; it’s a force like gravity. And get this, God spiritually designed the church so that we CAN’T reach our full potential to help others find God...without helping each other. He’s made it that way ON PURPOSE so that his message about a loving God who wants a forever relationship is always backed by people who love each other enough to keep their relationships!

Fellowship is sharing life around something we hold in common.  That’s a pretty grand idea, but it’s God’s idea.  All of our groups are meant to catalyze authentic “life-sharing” using the teachings of Jesus as our common core.  We do use teaching, yes, but that’s just one piece of what groups are about.  We want people to experience what it’s like to have people you can count on to connect with.  People who will believe in the Jesus in you even when you’re not so sure.  People who will inspire you to go further in your trust of Jesus, text you, really pray (not just do that “oh, i’ll be praying for you” and then forget about it thing.)  People who would show up when hard stuff happened.  

Sounds great.  But how many of those kinds of people are out there? We believe we’ll find those people when we commit to becoming those people. That’s a huge part of why we do groups. 

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We believe in giving because it helps people.  Giving makes the difference between great things happening or not happening for people.  It helps people in your church and surrounding community by freeing leaders to give more of their energy to leading others, who will in turn lead others.  It helps people in faraway places by freeing leaders to give more of themselves to building up new leaders in new churches.  It helps people who need real, honest help in the Watertown area, in the name of Jesus. 

Giving is also a step of faith.  In giving, we make a bold statement…”this is something God wants to do, and if we prioritize what God wants to do, he’ll make sure we have enough.”  

We believe that’s the attitude Jesus was after when he said “Seek first the kingdom, and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well.”

Questions before getting started?

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