Adult Groups

 S M A L L  G R O U P S  F O R  E V E R Y O N E

Whether you’re single, married, serving at Ft. Drum, or lived here your whole life, there’s a group for you!


Connect Groups

Connect groups are small groups of adults committed to meeting together weekly. They discover the truths Jesus uncovered for us, and encourage each other to live out their full potential as sons and daughters of God.Groups are often hosted in local homes in the Watertown area, but may meet at the church building as well.

Short Term Groups

These are groups of adults that meet weekly for anywhere from 6-12 weeks to focus on a specific topic, like marriage or finances. They are like Connect Groups, just for a shorter season. Upcoming short-term groups are announced as they become available, and are posted to the church Facebook page.


Join a group today!

Everything we do in our groups is about taking ownership of your faith, from whatever level you’re at, and taking responsibility for a GROWING relationship with their Creator. Every believer needs to take responsibility for their own prayer life, learn how to build a network of trustworthy friends, decode the Bible for themselves, and use their influence for God. Our goal is to not just talk about those things, but to do those things together. That when you move on to the next step, you’ll be prepared for life.

Click the button below to get involved!

