"I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." (Jn. 16:33) (ESV)

Today, we cover more on the peace that Jesus gives every follower of His. As our Lord was wrapping up His comments to His disciples at the last supper, He once again touched on His unmatched peace He intended for them. Soon, He would pray for them--head for the Garden of Gethsemane--be arrested--be cruelly accused and tried for blasphemy (though completely innocent) --and be executed as a criminal--all this for their sakes and ours! He knew the challenge would be monumental to them as they would watch in horror all these things take place. Jesus knew the series of events soon to take place that would make them question everything. And He loved them so (Jn. 13:1b). And Jesus knew that after He was risen and ascended into heaven, another round of challenges was coming their way--challenges they would find just as stiff--challenges all believers would face (including us)! And so, He finished His comments with a final reminder of His peace He was giving to them and to all Christians.

I want us to take note of 3 critical points. First, His statement of, "I have said these things to you..." That begs the question, "What things?" Christ could be referring to all the things He has been telling them since John chapter 13. He has carefully gone through many critical issues--things the disciples need to know and rely on. Here is a summary of those marvelous/necessary things Jesus told them.

He gave them His great and precious promises (2 Pet. 1:4) about eternal life (Jn. 14:1-4); about answered prayer (Jn. 14:13-14, 15:7 & 16, 16:23-24); about His always being with us in the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:16-18, 23, 26-27, 16:7-15); about giving His disciples overcoming peace & joy (Jn. 14:27, 15:11, 16:22, 24,33); about His continuing love (Jn 13:1, 34, 14:21-23, 15:9, 16:27); about our works somehow being even greater than His (Jn. 14:12); even warnings about coming trials & persecution (Jn 15:18-25, 16:1-4); and predictions about those who refuse to believe/trust Him, the betrayal by Judas, His accension & near future events (Jn 13:18-30, 14:5, 17, 24, 28-29, 15:22-25, 16: 5-6, 16-22).

Jesus gave great sweeping, holy, just, life-giving commands to guide believers. Commands about loving one another (Jn. 13:34-35, 15:12-14, 17); commands about obedience (Jn 14:21-24, 15:10, 14); commands about abiding in Him [remaining connected/attached] (Jn. 15:1-10). All these Jesus told them as preparations for what was coming to keep them from falling away [giving up or quitting] (Jn. 16:1-4). All these promises, warnings, predictions, and commands could be seen as a foundation for experiencing His peace. The loving care of the Lord for His disciples seems to have no bounds. This could be the meaning of Jesus' words, "These things have I spoken to you." But there is another possibility.

Jesus not only predicted Judas' failure but Peter's and even all of them (Jn. 13:36-38; 16:32). Jesus proclaims they will all leave Him--run "willy nilly" like scared rabbits--in the hour when courage and loyalty were required. They all would "sell out to save their skin." Jesus tells them that He knows of their coming failure--and He loves them anyway. In spite of their failure, He still intends to use them as overcomers & world changers in the Gospel. HE is still going to stay with them, help them overcome such failure, and commission them to do all His Gospel will. He says this to them so that when they recover their faith, they will not lose heart by their shame/guilt, but have the PEACE that Jesus gives. God, in Christ, has overcome their darkest failure, not allowing those shameful failures to define their future with Him--so great is His love for them! They are now His friends forever (Jn. 15:14-17). The same promise is given to all who believe in Jesus--spectacular!

Next week, more on His peace. Meanwhile, Jesus has looked beyond our failures to bring us His success and make us fruitful for Him. And the fruit He produces will last (Jn.15:16). What kind of God foresees our darkest failures and reaches through them in His love? The rescuing kind! Be at peace, Christian; we are now under the everlasting care of the Great Shepherd!

Pastor Mike


Word treasure 5/7/23


Word Treasure 4/16/23