Word treasure 5/7/23
"I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." (Jn. 16:33) (ESV)
Last week we considered the things Jesus told His disciples to bring about His peace within them. Today we will examine a second critical point--"...that in Me, you may have peace." Despite the predicted trouble ("In the world you will have tribulation..."), Jesus gave a peace that could overcome all that, but ONLY in Him! We believers live in a world of trouble. This world is filled with sin! Sin is defined as missing the mark, and that is true for every person who ever lived--EXCEPT ONE (Rom. 3:23)! All have come up short--way short--and have not lived up to God's standard. There is the sin inside us, infecting the heart and ruining our behavior. There is the sin outside in everyone else, doing the same. No doubt about it--"In the world, we shall have trouble!"
And there are 3 main enemies that bring this trouble. There is the world. 1 Jn. 2:15 warns of the lure of the world. "World" is not meant to describe nature (rivers, lakes, mountains, valleys, plains, the planet). The earth which God made is good (Gen. 1:31). The "world" the Bible denounces refers to the philosophies, values, pursuits, and inclinations of mankind. The world hates and persecutes Christ and His followers--so there will be lots of trouble! Then there is the "flesh"=our human nature apart from Christ. This flesh is at constant war against God's Spirit (Gal. 5:16-17) and every Christian must fight this war! Let no one blow this off! This war is real, constant, no picnic, and filled with trouble. Finally, there is the devil, our enemy. The devil lies, threatens, distracts, and ever opposes what Jesus is doing in each believer, so we can count on resistance (trouble).
Because of these contrary forces, it is true to say that there is NO PEACE outside of Christ. There is no place for peace, no reason for peace, no sanctuary of peace, no protection of peace, no lasting peace to be found anywhere outside of Christ! His peace is exclusively His! Jesus, the Lord, is the SINGLE SOURCE of the peace of God! He alone has it and He alone can give it! His lasting and overcoming peace can only be found when we are in right relation with Christ. It is a singular peace in this world and there is nothing like it to be found anywhere! No matter how many ways I repeat it, the peace we all so desperately need and lack can only be found in Christ!
Notice, Jesus says that we "...may have peace." That is because, to enjoy this peace, it is important that we cooperate. One might ask, "Are you saying there are things we must do to earn His peace?" NO! The work that God would have us do is to believe (Jn. 6:28-29). We Christians do not work for His peace; it is mercifully given to those who believe (trust) in Christ. And isn't that exactly what we Christians have experienced? Once we believed, a rest, a cheerful sense of well-being, a wholeness and contentment entered our hearts and minds! But if we are going to keep enjoying this peace, we will need to keep believing (trusting). This is why John boldly names the victory that awaits every believer=their faith in God through Christ (1 Jn. 5:4.
We must keep trusting Christ in order to live in His peace. Isa. 26:3 says, "You (God) keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You (God), because he trusts in You (God)." (ESV) The more we trust, the more of His peace we enjoy. The less we trust, the less peace we enjoy. And so, Christ works in every believer to purify their faith (1 Pet. 1:7). My friends, to be a Christian is to live life trusting and following Jesus. And while we follow, He is perfecting what He began when we first became Christians. This series of trials we all endure brings great glory to our God--especially when we trust Him in that trial and experience, His peace in and through that trouble. May Jesus multiply His peace in you today according to His promise.
Believe God, believe His Son Jesus, believe the Holy Spirit who now lives in you to give you all Christ has; and believe His Word that marvelously describes all this. "In Christ, the Christian can experience HIS peace."
Pastor Mike