Word Treasure 4/3/2023

John 16:8-10, "And when He comes, He will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment: concerning sin because they do not believe in me; concerning righteousness, because I go to my Father, and you will see Me no longer; concerning judgement, because the ruler of this world is judged."

Today we cover the last of 3 critical truths the Holy Spirit persuades believers of deep within their hearts and minds. In the last installment, we examined how the Spirit convicts us of our sin and Christ's righteousness. Today we engage how the Spirit convicts our hearts about a real judgment that all face--that can only be avoided by the forgiveness Christ provides. Rebellion against God and total disregard for His commands must be judged. God cannot and will not be mocked. Whatever one sows (plants) in the ground, that will produce a predicted harvest (Gal. 6:7). Humans cannot sin and sin and expect to get away with it. There is a day of judgment--a recompense-a day appointed that all must face the Lord and give an account of how they lived and receive from God a righteous sentence (Heb. 9:27).

We do NOT just die and go into the ground! The reality of God's impending judgment is plainly revealed in God's judgment on satan, the devil, our enemy! God has pronounced and secured that judgment against him (Jn. 12:31). He will do the same for all those who reject Christ! This produces a righteous fear of God and is needed as a deterrent to induce people to run to the Lord for pardon and protection as well as to flee temptation (1 Tim. 6:11 & 2 Tim. 2:22)! The Bible refers to this as "the fear of the Lord," and it is needed by all (Ps. 19:9 & 2 Cor. 5:11a). The Holy Spirit persuades/convicts us in our conscience that, though forgiven in Christ, one cannot take this for granted and go on practicing sin with no concern for how the Lord responds to careless and sinful living!

John 16:8-10 describes how the Holy Spirit begins to work in people. He persuades, convinces, convicts within that Christ should be fully trusted--that He is altogether righteous and has what I need for this life and the one to come. And today we examined that God will judge all who refuse Him; there is no escape! I don't know what you think of that, but it seems to me that these 3 things are a perfect foundation from which to learn all the rest about Christ and a life with Him. God has thought of everything!! And God has not left us doomed and sitting in our own helpless filth but has sent His Son first to die--take our place--bear our sin and the just sentence for our failing to meet God's righteous standard. Then Christ rises, securing our redemption and eternal life for all those who have depended on Him. Finally, God sends the Holy Spirit to work His rescue deep within--to convince us and secure for us that rescue!

What a mighty Savior we have! What a bright and secure future we have! What glorious strength we have from the indwelling God. What a pathway we've been given, plus the all-powerful companion to keep us on that path. I have come to believe that if God had not sent His Holy Spirit into my heart (conscience), I would utterly fail to follow, to obey one command even a little, to become what God intended, to gain any victory over the sinful inclinations of the flesh from which all suffer. The God who loved me and gave Himself for me has come to live within so that my worst day will not destroy me but rather be a steppingstone to better days. This is because Jesus lives within to lift me above the works of the flesh and works in me to establish the fruit of the Spirit! Come, Holy Spirit, and do Your inner work, convicting me of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Make me into Your image, O God, because if You don't, I have no hope of righteousness or the glorious outcome You have promised all followers of Christ.

Next week we'll examine some more of Jesus' instruction on the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Meanwhile, trust Him and seek Him to do what He promised in Jn, 16:8-10! Be certain that the Holy Spirit of God is within, convincing you of His righteous pathway. God lift up your countenance and give you His hope!

Pastor Mike


Word Treasure 4/12/23


The Right Prayer for the Old 'Grayhead'