Word Treasure 4/12/23
"These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." (Jn. 14:26-27)
We have examined the fullness of what this word, "Helper", means. For a reminder, please refer to the article posted on 3.27.23. There are 3 things we should specifically note from this passage. We'll cover 2 this week and 1 next week. Father God sends the Holy Spirit to everyone who believes in Jesus Christ! First, then, Jesus explains to His disciples that the Holy Spirit will teach them all things. John said something similar in his letter (1 Jn. 2:26-27). When we think of teaching we usually think of teachers and the act of instructing others in concepts new to them. That is not far off. The truths of Christianity are NOT the normal way of thinking for humans. We are in a contrary condition=opposing all God wants and knows to be right. We are born that way--all of us--no exceptions. We got this decrepit condition from our original father Adam. This point is a theological truth often referred to as "original sin." It means that when Adam first sinned against God in the Garden of Eden, he brought sin on all mankind.
Now, I know it is not popular in our society today to proclaim that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). In fact, many people hate that truth and fight vehemently against it. They will often persecute any who hold to this ESSENTIAL TRUTH! Their opposition does not change or refute it. Have we ever noticed that we don't have to teach our children how to be bad? They come by their bad behavior without any real help from us. But, we do have to teach them how to tell the truth, think of others first, be responsible, control their urges, not be self-centered, and be kind. This is because--as hard as it is to hear this--all people are born selfish and in a contrary state against God and His righteousness. Romans 5:12-21 deals with this subject, thoroughly comparing the effect of Adam and Christ on the human race. Now the point of this is that, in order for any person to understand the simplest part of the Gospel (God's good news), the Holy Spirit must reveal, show, TEACH them or open their hearts and minds. And that is true for any truth in God--any truth! We cannot start or grow in Christ unless the Holy Spirit teaches (reveals) to us the truth as it is in Jesus. Hear this: No one can know understand, or comprehend ONE TRUTH about God unless the Holy Spirit opens our minds to the truth of it--the beauty of it--the need of that truth! God, the Holy Spirit, causes people to believe, become, and grow as Christians. The Holy Spirit is utterly essential to the Christian life!
Secondly, the Holy Spirit brings what Jesus has said to our remembrance. Jesus gave instructions, promises, warnings, and prophesies (predictions of various events and dynamics we in the future would face). What He said to them HE says to us today. His truth still applies and we need His words today as much as they ever did. How does a disciple of Jesus remember what Jesus said as they walk through life? How do they apply it in the various situations they face? God, the Holy Spirit, reminds them--brings it to their recall! And you thought you remembered it on your own--bless your heart. Not one time do we do this remembering thing on our own. When we face something and are tempted to act sinfully or are unsure of how to act (respond), the Holy Spirit brings to mind what Jesus has commanded. We have access to the truth because the One who said such things so long ago lives inside us. Can we understand our need to read our Bibles? When believers ignore their bibles--they ignore God! Can we see how essential God's Presence is within the believer? Can we recognize that He is with us every minute of every day? Can we trust in the Holy Spirit to guide us in our conscience and bring to our minds what He has described to all who listened to Christ? This is how the Holy Spirit guides each believer in their life. We cannot learn on our own and cannot remember on our own! God always knew this so Father has sent the Helper (Holy Spirit) in Jesus' name to teach (reveal) the truth to us and be our memory so that we are not left to our own devices and imprisoned by our lack of understanding and our dismally short memories. God is committed to helping us. Blessed be the name of Jesus!
Next week, another jewel from these verses.
Pastor Mike