The Real Meaning of the Cleansing of the Temple

Jesus cleansed the temple twice or so it seems in the gospels (Jn.2:13-17 & Mk.11:15-17).  What ticked Him off so much?  John 2 says He made a whip of chords.  That takes time.  His was a simmering anger.  There were two things that were particularly galling to our Lord.  


First, the temple aristocracy had turned the tempe area into a "den of thieves".  It is not just that they were selling things in God's House as some well meaning but misguided Christians believe today.  They were wickedly dishonest and had turned worship into a money making scheme.  Let me explain.  Old Testament worship involved animal sacrifices that cost the owner serious money.  In that economy, goats, sheep, & bulls, were a person's livelihood.  They had inspectors that examined a person's sacrifice.  The would be worshipper would bring his/her animal and the inspectors would search it for any impurities that would render the animal unfit to give to God.  Invariably, they would find some impurity and block the worshipper from offering the supposedly unworthy animal.  They would buy it for a fraction of what the animal was worth, claiming to want to show some compassion for the journey, time, trouble, and expense endured by the worshipper.  They would then sell them another 'pre-inspected' animal at an exorbitant rate making a serious profit.  Then when the worshipper had finished their business, they would add the animal to the very pen of supposed pre-inspected animals for resale.  The people became aware of this scam and it made   to the Holy God of Israel a bad joke among the common people.  Worse yet, one couldn't buy the animal with regular money.  They had to exchange it for temple currency which of course the leaders made a killing of the exchange as well.  The whole thing 'stunk to high heavens'.  


Secondly, by so doing, they misrepresented God.  In Mark, Jesus quoted Isaiah 56.  It is here that the prophet of old was chastising the Hebrews of his day and also prophesying of another dreadful day when men acted in the blindness of their sin.  Jesus states, "My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations."  Isaiah's account reveals God's intention for His dwelling place.  This second point is more riveting than the 1st.  There is a catalogue of truth here in this passage from Isaiah.  Let's look a the list.


1. Is.57 speaks volumes about the hurting, forgotten, rejected ones who He wanted to welcome into His Presence.  God wanted to be known as one who is gracious & inclusive.  There is no welcome on this earth like the one a repenting sinner finds before the Lord God Almighty.  And in Jesus, the great invitation has been given.  "Whosoever will may come and take of the water of life freely."  Isaiah uses figurative language to describe just how inclusive HE is.  He states that sons of strangers (not naturally born Hebrews) and even Eunuchs (immasculated) people were included in God's great invitation.  They were welcome to come & seek His mercy & Presence.  They were to be richly rewarded as God Himself would receive them.


2. God's House (temple) is a House of prayer.  This prayer is to be understood in the broadest sense.  His House would be a place where the worshipper could seek His Presence.  They could seek answers to their difficulties, calamities, injustices, etc.  They could receive prayer from other seekers.  And God would hear and answer those prayers in that place.  


3. God's House (temple) in the New Testament is the church = a close knit spiritual temple of worship made up of individual believers, each a dwelling place for God.  


4. Not only was God's house to be a house of prayer; it was to be CALLED a house of prayer.  HIS dwelling place was to have a great reputation.  Any person who even had a thought that there might a God & that HE might be inclined to hear & answer - any person at all would know of the reputation of God Almighty among His people.  


Jesus was really angry - really!  It was because the leaders of His day ought to have represented the Lord accurately.  Instead, they completely failed in that high responsibility.  Instead of praying and seeking God, instead of praying for others needs, instead of including the hurting all around as Isaiah prophesied for them to do, They had developed an elaborate money making scam and worship of the true God had been so seriously blasphemed that the average worshipper was virtually blocked from approaching God in a way that would please Him.  


I have longed believed that of all the sins we have committed - of all the wickedness of which we are guilty; far worse is the good we ought to have done but have left undone because we were to lazy, or distracted, or too in love with the world to care enough to practice His commands.  The good left undone far out ways

any evil we have done.  


God says, "My House (my people & the gathering of my people - the place where my Presence dwells) shall be called (shall be known - have the stellar reputation) a House of prayer (a place where God can be sought & found or experienced) for all nations (for anyone outside God's salvation and mercy)."  This is what made Jesus so mad!  This is what got Him riled up!  


One more thought tonight, for I am writing around 11 PM.  Jesus cleansed the temple twice, once in the beginning and once at the end of His ministry.  This signifies His desire to clean His people - His true dwelling place!  He starts by washing our sins away by His blood.  He then pursues our cleansing from every fleshly sin throughout our walk with Him!  HE cleansed at the beginning and HE cleanses at the end.  God wants a clean house - a holy house - a righteous house!  "Shall we sin that grace may abound, God forbid." (Rom.6:1)  God forbid means "NO NO, a thousand times NO"!  


These thoughts beg the question, "Are we doing all we can to PROTECT & PROJECT the right REPUTATION for God's House = the local church and each individual christian within?"  It was not just the wrong they were doing.  That was bad enough.  The real issue was that while they were doing wrong, THEY WERE NOT DOING WHAT GOD REALLY WANTED!  Leighton Howerton sings a song and in the chorus we hear, "Keep on praying, sewing, reaping."  This is the responsibility & the joyous privilege for ever child of God - who is a temple - a dwelling place for the Lord of Hosts.   This is our call - to seek to know Him & the to make Him known!  Until we are pleased to do those simple things in faith, the cleansing will continue.  If we cooperate with the cleansing (sanctifying process) the God will patiently endure our severe weaknesses and as a loving Father bring about our obedience through His discipline (Heb.12) and His merciful grace (Rom.6:14).  If we get lazy and spend our days in the flesh, enjoying the fleeting pleasures of sin, we only prove that our faith was never a living faith.  And severe cleansing discipline awaits so that we will not perish with the faithless. 


Be of good cheer my beloved brothers & sisters.  We are not of those who draw back but of those who persevere, God working in us, to the saving of our souls.  Jesus is alive - our complete rescue is assured.  The Lord keep you strong & seeking Him in these days and may God grant His church to bear the reputation God intended - a House of prayer for all nations!


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