The Absolute World of God Almighty - part 3

This is part 3 in a series l began in early January.  I have been delayed in finishing due to the conference held last weekend on Revelation & church history.  Here goes.  1Jn.1:8-9 reads thus, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." These statements hold amazing absolutes in the Kingdom.  Let's list them and believe the Word of God.


1. If we claim that we have no sin, are somehow not sinful, or are always living righteously - if that is our attitude and position, then two absolute conditions are present.  First we are deceiving ourselves.  Second, we are NOT in possession of the truth.  Lying is bad enough but lying to ourselves is pure foolishness.  The only thing worse would be to believe the lie we told ourselves.  Self righteous pride stinks so bad!  It literally smells up the place.  And everyone can smell it except the one who is claiming how right they are.  We are as far from the truth as possible.  In fact, God says we don't have ANY truth at all.


2. But, If we confess our sin", this too is an absolute.  Confession here does not mean casual acceptance or 'off the cuff' admission.  It is not a confession to escape the consequences or to reveal to others how humble we are.  This kind of confession is a deeply humble and broken thing.  Paul writes and says that godly sorrow leads to repentance.  This confession feels the weight of wronging another, first God and then whoever else we have injured.  This kind of confession comes from a conscience that senses we have wronged one who did not deserve it.  It is not an attempt to escape but rather an approach which admits wrong with the desire to justify the one injured - in this case our Lord!  And He is grieved when we disobey Him doing whatever the flesh or our selfish desire enjoys.  This godly confession is such that it not only admits but seeks a way to make whatever restitution possible.  Sometimes, restitution is not possible but the desire to 'make up for the wrong' is always present in the person bringing true confession.  We can NEVER make up for our sin, but the willingness to present ourselves to that end and say to the Lord, "Whatever you want from me I'll do."; is always prominent. 


3. If we confess, then there are two more absolutes that come into immediate play.  Real confession results in an immediate and ABSOLUTE response from our Father in heaven.  First, He forgives.  I remember years ago becoming angry with a friend of mine over some silly thing.  As I pondered the quick and heated argument, I realized the horror of the end of our friendship over what simply did not matter.  I returned an hour later and brought a sincere and heartfelt apology.  He too was sorry.  We were reconciled and the joy and relief of that event stays in my memory powerfully today.  When I first asked Jesus to forgive my sinful life and receive me as His adopted son, the lord lifted my sense of sinfulness off of me and I felt truly clean for the first time in my life.  That sense of adoption (Rom.8:15-16), fills us and we feel a freedom as when a prisoner is released from jail.  This forgiveness, so much more powerful than anything we can do for each other, is so amazing that it can change the course of one's life, changing their very nature and along with it, their direction and behavior.  

       There is a second absolute that occurs.   The minute we truly confess, Jesus not only forgives but CLEANSES from all unrighteousness.  The hymn writer says, "And sinners plunged beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains."  Cleansing = an inner scouring of what ails us = a purifying of motives, thoughts, and resultant actions = a setting apart for proper use = a dying to self in order to live a life of love for God and our neighbor.  This is what is meant by cleansing.  Now, we may not feel cleansed but if confession is true, then God sets at work correcting the ROOT CAUSE for our sin.  HE is more committed to our complete redemption than we ever could be.  "They shall call His name Jesus, for HE shall save His people from their sins."  Not just forgive but save or rescue them out of their sins.  He begins immediately to set in motion a series of counters - spiritual and natural - which will alter who we are, what we do, and why we do it.  And Jesus is faithful and just to do this.  All of these absolutes Jesus secured for us at the cross.

         So don't give up!  God isn't going to!  Grace will overcome our weakness in sinful flesh and work in us His righteousness which HE freely gave to us when we believed.  It cannot be any other way for, "Sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but under grace (Rom.6:14).  Be of good cheer my friends.  Jesus has a million ways to get through to us and the patience to try each one of them until HE gains what HE has always been looking for - the reflection of HIS SON! 


The Supremacy of the bible


The Absolute World of God Almighty - part 2