The Absolute World of God Almighty - part 2
We started to look at 3 absolute truths from 1John just a few days ago. Tonight will look at a second absolute from 1Jn.1:6-7 saying that if we say we have fellowship with Jesus but walk in darkness we are lying. However, if we walk in the light as HE is in the light, we have (1) fellowship with one another and
(2) the blood of Jesus cleanses every sin. There may be 'shades of grey' with humans but with God, everything is 'black and white' or absolute.
In order to perceive the absolute nature of these statements, we must determine the meaning of the terms light & darkness. Darkness is easy. It means anything opposite to light. That is plain from nature and from the scriptures. Light is a metaphor common in John's thinking both in this epistle and in his gospel. Light was John's way of describing the revelation of who Jesus is (John chapter 1) as well as holy behavior verses unholy behavior. If one practiced sin they were not walking in the light but in darkness
(John chapter 3). Sometimes John & Paul joined these two ideas.
The other words we need to see are 'walk' & 'fellowship'. When John refers to walking, he is not talking about what a person claims to believe but rather what they PRACTICE! Fellowship means a relational unity and mutual team work based on the person & Gospel work of Jesus. So with this understanding we can determine the amazing claims John makes here. They are absolute without any 'wiggle room'. If we claim to have fellowship with Jesus but walk (practice) in darkness - either not believing in Jesus whole heartedly as our redeemer or not following His ways ("If you love me, you will keep my commands."), then our claim is utterly false because our life proves that we what we claim is a lie. This is an absolute truth. One cannot live life as the devil or sin would dictate and claim to love & walk with Jesus. Jesus came to take away our sins. It is said of Him that HE would save His people from their sins. We are told that all who name the name of the Lord must depart from iniquity.
John calls these empty claims lies. This is absolute. John does not mean that one who walks with Jesus (a Christian) never sins. Subsequent verses in this chapter prove that. But habitual practiced sin is not the norm for the real Christian who is walking in the light with the Lord. The Christian who sins is subsequently convicted and fights to get free. His/her heart is grieved at failing the grace of God. The Christian who sins knows that it is no one's fault but their own. They apply for mercy and pray for help. They often seek help from other trusted members of the Body of Christ. They simply cannot stand continual disobedience to the Lord. Some may say that they know Christians who practice sin regularly without any real conscience about it. I don't believe that. One might be ignorant that they are doing wrong or leaving something undone that ought to be done. That can certainly happen. But to willfully sin with no remorse, sense of shame, guilt, and a strong grieving of heart that leads said person to seek help from God is proof that they are believers & that they are walking in the measure of light they have received up to that point. When will we learn that not everyone who claims to have saving faith actually does. When will we learn that the claims we make are not necessarily true either. This is why the Bible tells us to make our calling & our election sure or to be certain that what we have is a real position of faith. In the light of this truth; repentance, being concerned about holiness, seeking to be true to our understanding of who Jesus is and our commitment to following Him is the proof that we are walking in the light.
And if we are walking in the light - walking with our Lord Jesus - including Him in all we do or say - attempting to please the Lord by following His commands - living life is way - trusting Him for guidance, help, strength, and keeping power, endeavoring to live a holy & Spirit filled life; then we receive to absolute blessings. First, we have true fellowship with other believers. We are then part of His family, His army, His flock, His Body, His church, His people. We are citizens of haven with others and have a common cause - a common hope - a common faith - a common Lord & Savior. The love between us is undeniable & unmistakable! We are serving the King of Kings with others and the comraderie is magnificent.
Second, His blood cleanses us from all sin. The mercy of God in Christ is powerful that forgiveness flows like a river. This is because we believe in Him proved by our following Him. And because of our faith, the very righteousness of Jesus is imputed (given to us though undeserved) to us. Every sin is wiped away & I mean EVERY SIN! Think of it! There is not one evil thought or deed, not one righteous act we failed to do, not one bad thought or motive, that isn't completely forgiven & washed from our life. I frankly wonder what kind of Christian would emerge if someone dared to believe these promises. Rather than receive 'license' to sin again, the love & freedom would be so powerfully felt that sinners would change into saints. In fact, that is exactly what Jesus had in mind and it is the happy experience of John - that is why he wrote these absolutes - because he profoundly believed and practiced them.
Let us believe and practice walking in the light - having true fellowship with other believers - and experiencing the cleansing that comes from being washed in the blood of the Lamb. My friends, it must turn out this way for Jesus has not come all this way & paid the great price He paid, unless HE intended to save the likes of us who have fled to Him for refuge & rescue from our dark hearts. We welcome and need the cleansing O Lord - send it upon us. Be of good cheer my brothers & sisters, Jesus is close at hand. We can walk in the light of His love & will. Then we will have friendships indeed! Then we will know the meaning and experience of being really cleansed. It is ABSOLUTELY TRUE! Jesus keep you strong.