“I am the True Vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Already, you are clean through the Word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” (Jn.15:1-5 ESV)
One might ask of this passage, “Isn’t this about abiding rather than the Spirit-led life?” It is my belief that, though the Holy Spirit is not mentioned specifically (till the very end of Jn.15), the abiding illustration Jesus used is the perfect and intentional picture that conveys the realities of the Spirit-filled/led life. One certain conclusion we could assume in this passage is that God expects His children to be fruitful for Him in their lives. Whatever a Christian might take away from Christ’s words – we can be sure that His will is that we believers bear fruit for Him. Bearing fruit means that something beautiful, useful, beneficial, and healthy is produced from the living connection God maintains with His children. Notice…
Jesus wants fruit – wants to see more fruit – prunes to get more fruit – announces His disciples will bear much fruit – and He won’t settle for anything else. In verse 1, Jesus is the vine (stalk, trunk) and Father God is the gardener, overseeing all this. We believers are described as branches. He bears us, we do not bear Him! The life is in the root and trunk. We branches are to bear signs of life (fruit) that the root and trunk supply. That’s how it works in a grape vine and that’s how it works in the Christian life. This illustration is specifically accurate! Verse 2 announces that if branches do not bear fruit, they are cut off (taken away). Branches (believers) that do not bear fruit are simply not allowed to remain on the plant.
Ever wonder why we suffer loss in life as Christians.? One reason is that we were designed to bear fruit and when we are not OR when we are capable of much more fruit production, God removes what is in the way of that fruit. Jesus calls it pruning. People in that part of the world are specialists at pruning. They cut everything off a
grape vine that they suspect will not produce fruit in order to gain the greatest crop. An inexperienced person wonders how the vine survives when witnessing how severely they prune them.
Pruning can be painful for us. People usually resist and resent pruning. Our human inability to see what God is doing can lead to great sorrow and frustration. Some Christians flat quit over pruning received by the hand of the Lord! It’s not popular to say this today but human loss can result in great gain in godliness if that loss is
approached by faith. God is after fruit and He will do whatever it takes to produce His fruit from us! If we have born some fruit for God – wonderful! Our Father in heaven will see to it we bear more and whatever detracts from that must go! This is a hard lesson from the Spirit but one every Christian must face!
Verse 3 clarifies that Jesus is not speaking about our intitial salvation because that has already been established. We have been cleansed by His Gospel word received by us. Rather, He is speaking about our development as Christians. Then in verses 4 & 5, Jesus emphasizes the all-important virtue of abiding = remaining attached to, holding on, sticking with Him! He states plainly that fruit bearing can happen ONLY if we abide = remain in healthy living connection to the Lord. If the branch is cut off – it is no longer attached to the vine (trunk/root). IT DIES! Fruit bearing is not possible unless the branch stays connected. Jesus repeats the thought in verse 5 adding, “...for apart from Me, you can do nothing.” Repetition means emphasis. If we Christians are to be of ANY service to the Lord – we must abide = remain attached to Jesus, our source of life. That is why I say John 15:1-5 is a perfect picture of the indwelling Holy Spirit!
Next week, more on this idea of abiding. For now, be convinced, Christian. The Spirit-filled and Spirit-led life is NOT OPTIONAL! To bear any fruit for God (which should be our highest desire) we must stay connected to the Lord. He is our root, our source. We are just a branch.
Pastor Mike


