"Now this He said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified. When they heard these words, some of the people said, 'This really is The Prophet.' Others said, 'This is the Christ.' But some said, 'Is the Christ to come from Galilee? Has not the scripture said that Christ comes from Bethlehem, the village where David was?' So there was a division among the people over Him." (Jn. 7:39-43) (ESV)
The Israelites made 2 errors recorded in Jn. 7:37-43 which we MUST AVOID. These errors are common to believers today in western Christianity. To expose these errors, let me ask: Aren't Christians supposed to be unified? Aren't believers supposed to be one with God and each other? If Jesus' prayer in Jn. 17 means anything, the Christian's answer to these questions is a resounding, "Yes." (Jn. 17:20-23) Next question: What are the 2 greatest issues that have divided believers in America over the past 120 years? Research shows the greatest reason for disunity among western Christians has been the issue of racial prejudice. Thank God we are making serious advances in this arena. Racism and Christianity are totally incompatible--but you already knew that! The second greatest dividing issue is a century-old controversy about the Holy Spirit--what He does when He enters a believer, how one receives Him, what are the signs (evidence), is this infilling a second experience or do Christians receive the fullness of the Spirit when they are first born again, etc.?
Final question: Isn't it amazing that the single greatest promised blessing of God being with and in EVERY Christian is the subject of so much consternation, debate, and strife (separation) for believers? My friends, this should NOT be the case! In fact, what plagues us--separates us--and causes so much strife and disagreement was revealed long ago in the very passage we are studying. Let's look at the 2 errors they made on that great and last day of the Feast of Tabernacles and learn! The first error: Beware making your Christianity into a religious exercise or ritual! For years (even centuries) they had performed the ritual of God providing water miraculously in the desert through His servant Moses. By then, it was only a ritual of a wonderful intervention of God so long ago. They practiced a religious ritual but missed the point that God is present with them. Our faith is to be alive, an active longing to receive the helping intervention of the Lod in our troubles we face. And wasn't that exactly what was happening to them? Jesus was actually right there with them--offering His life--but they only looked to the past or history. Real faith brings people into living connection with God Almighty! We must "taste and see that the Lord is good!" Believe God is Present to help, guide, provide, & protect today!
The second error was the divisive argument they entertained over where Jesus came from instead of receiving from HIM! They argued over what they thought they knew and what did not matter. Actually, Jesus was born in Bethlehem but his parents moved to Galilee shortly after His birth to avoid the cruelties of King Herod's regime (Matt. 2:13-23). The crowd simply did not know that--thus they argued over what they did not know/understand. Sadly, it hardly mattered anyway. Their arguments were a distraction from simple trust. One who is filled with the Holy Spirit MUST FIRST BELIEVE enough to come to the Lord! That is the essence of Jesus' words! Yet, they haggled over what they thought they understood instead of trusting His promise. Examples of these kinds of arguments and thoughts can be found in today's American Church. Here are some examples: When is the Holy Spirit received--at salvation or a second experience? How is the Holy Spirit received? What requirements are there? What occurs when the Holy Spirit is received, OR, what signs are there? Which denomination is right since all claim to know?
We must be careful here. Questions can serve a great purpose, and finding scriptural answers produces maturity. But, as with those long ago, some questions can also cause division and arguments. They can be an unhealthy distraction which blocks our thirst for Him and our trust in Him and HIS promises! In my experience, Christians often argue over what they do not know/understand or what does not matter. Christian--believe His promise and peacefully seek answers to the unanswered questions of your life with Him! Stop arguing and believe and practice His promise that those who thirst for Him and believe--receive!
Next week, more on what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Mike