"On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, 'If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whosoever believes in Me, as the scripture has said, out of His heart will flow rivers of living water.' Now this He said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were about to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified." (Jn. 7:37-39)

Last week, we examined the background (context) of this crucial promise Christ announced at the last and great day in celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles. Today, we begin to examine carefully what Jesus said. In some ways, Jesus was a man of few words, but His words always "pack a wallop." "If anyone..." = The Spirit-filled life is for every Christian. No believer need fall outside Christ's gracious intention and grand promise of God. In Christ, all qualify! There is no elite class of Christians - no Spirit-filled Christian as opposed to unfilled Christians--no two groups, one higher/better/filled--while the rest of us common folk are left to fend for ourselves! There are no "special" saints; there are no exceptions, but every Christian is included! Get it?!!!

"Thirsts..." = The Spirit-filled/led life is for those who thirst (deeply desire) for Christ. Casual interest or occasional wondering won't cut it. But for those who want God--God's promise of the Spirit-filled life is sure! "Let him (or her) come..." = All thirsty believers are allowed--no, welcomed--no, invited--no, commanded to come and be filled with God Almighty! God decided that believers become His habitation/dwelling place! HE decided and it's NOT OPTIONAL! We are told that in order to become a Christian and be filled with the Holy Spirit, we must choose to confess our sin--believe Christ and seek Him in faith for this blessing. True enough. But, God chose to fill all who come to Him in humility and faith. God's choice rules and is, by far, the crucial choice. If we have humbled ourselves before God, repented and believed in Jesus, God chooses to fill every believer regardless of how much they understand about theology, the Lord's intentions, plans, purposes, and/or the "Spirit-filled" life!

"Come to me..." = God's salvation is all about the Lord Jesus! Jesus is the believer's complete source, answer, reason, life power, and person who guarantees all God's promises! This is why we preach Christ and Him crucified on our behalf. We believers not only receive forgiveness for our sins; we are also adopted into His family and brought into His Presence forever--all this begins when we believe, and He enters into our hearts to live with us! The Holy Spirit is the very Presence of Jesus (Matt. 28:20).

"And drink. He who believes..." = The verb "drink" is a word picture that illustrates the depth of the verb following: "Believe!" Bible faith is a "no holds barred," "dive in," "all or nothing" thing. Therefore, the Christian believes that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. They believe only Jesus can save them and that God is good for His promise! They believe=drink=ingest=are "all in" on trusting Him for their life and His promise of filling them. Real faith changes a person. It is not like believing there is a Lake Ontario. That does not change me or move me morally. Real faith guides one's moral code, direction of heart and life, conscience, motives, and actions!

"As the scripture has said..." = The Spirit-filled life was NEVER meant to be a controversy in the way this has happened over the last century. Remember, the controversy we believers have experienced over the last 120 years did NOT exist when Jesus proclaimed this great promise! The Spirit-filled life is as Biblical as anything can be! This phrase does not refer to a specific quote but captures the intent of God's centuries-old plan to live in and through believers! The Spirit-filled/led life is and has always been the intent of God for His people. "Out of his (or her) heart will flow rivers of living water." Rivers, not a trickle--not a "one time" experience in a single church meeting, but a constant flow of God's Presence in the believer's life for every event, need, challenge, and obstacle! The Spirit-filled life is a lifestyle rather than a "one time" thing! Jesus--the same Jesus who led, fed, taught, guided, protected, inspired, and chose His disciples--wants to be with and live inside ALL Christians. Can we believe this--believe Christ's cry?!!

Next week, more on what Jesus said and our response to Him. For now, be encouraged, my believing friend. Jesus lives within to be what we need for life just as He was to that ragged bunch of men back then.

Pastor Mike


