Tell Jesus All About It
I went on a wonderful vacation with my wife so I haven't written for awhile. Sorry for the delay. As we approach resurrection Sunday, my mind runs to a deeply personal look at the Lord right after he has risen from the dead. I am referring the account of the 2 on the road to Emmaus recorded in Lk.24:13-35. It is been my feeling for years that the American Christian is growing increasingly detached from the life changing reality that jesus is in fact, ALIVE! We have grown into something horrid when it comes to this resurrection thing and yet it was the single living fact that drove the disciples to change the world. And, it was not just a fact they BELIEVED that Jesus had risen, THEY KNEW IT! AND THEY KNEW THAT NOTHING ELSE MATTERED! AND THEY KNEW HE WAS PRESENT & WITH THEM!
We, on the other hand, ascent to the 'fact' of the resurrection but live life the same old way as always with little wonder, little sense that Jesus is close, little desperation for others to discover that Christ lives, resulting in little faith & little power to live above sin, or to spend ourselves for His sake, little purpose or motivation to do much Gospel work - just sort of exist. YUK!
I am praying that God will impact us with His vitality & life as never before - and start with me O Lord! Perhaps it would help a little if we took a closer look at out story in Luke. Two guys are leaving Jerusalem for Emmaus (a small nearby town). They had been told by Jesus to stay at Jerusalem and wait for the promise of God (the Comforter). But they had forgotten that in their grief & loss over Jesus' death on the cross. The horror of that on their minds is hard to imagine. They were so sure of a different result (Lk.24:21). At any rate, as they were walking (away from God's will I might add) & talking of their sorrow in recent events, Jesus who is now alive, comes near. In vs.17, HE asks an astounding question, "What are you guys talking about?" Didn't HE know? Wasn't HE aware of all they had been thru? Of course, all that stuff had happened to Him! Yet they did not recognize Him.
Isn't that how it often is? We face the inevitable trouble in life and do not seek Him. When HE comes, it is usually in a form that we don't recognize Him. We just aren't counting on Him being alive & with us. We are just not including Him in the equation. When HE shows up, His amazing availability, His power to intervene or change or rescue, is not even considered. Such was the case on that day. Jesus was alive & they were sad & worried about things which did not even matter.
His question is wonderful, "What are you talking about?" O how Jesus wants us to come to Him & tell Him all about it! It is not that HE doesn't already know. It is that HE longs for us to believe in Him, confide in Him, involve Him, tap into His life, and know that He is with us. Now all things are possible because Jesus lives! When we are sad, troubled, tempted to be worried, tempted to lean on what we think instead of what God has said, HE says, "Tell me all about it."
They open up a bit & He has a few measured responses. Note, 1st, HE builds their faith. This may involve correction - even rebuke. That's hard for us super sensitive Americans. "Don't find any fault with me. I can't take it." That's what we feel, what we say, & how we act usually. But the Lord's rebukes are not harsh but more like 'attention getters', alerting us to wayward thinking. We could use some correction I often think. My friend Steve Wilbur used to say, "We should pray sometimes and ask, 'Lord, what do I believe that just happens NOT to be true.'"
At any rate, Jesus moves in to re-aim our faith and get us back on track. HE does this by reminding us of His Word. Can we learn that God speaks His Word to us thru His Son! Jesus never shares anything contrary to His Word. O that His people would read His Word with an eye toward heaven and a heart of faith that recognized God's voice to us through the Bible!
2nd, He bates them a bit (vs.28) but plans to stay with them all along - if they will have Him. Jesus does not force Himself on anyone. But they want Him to stay (vs.29). So should we. Invite the Lord to stay, to reveal Himself, to show Himself strong, to speak, etc. Be active in seeking & practicing His Presence. Jesus is ALIVE & with every believer in the realest possible way.
3rd, HE reveals Himself in time to them so that there is no mistake that HE is near. He breaks thru the insensitive shell to touch & help His discouraged disciples. He will do the same for any believer. This revelation may often come in the form that is quite familiar to us (vs.30-31). Suddenly we know, HE has been with us all along, doing for us what HE has always done, faithfully caring for us! Let no one smile this last point off. Jesus lives to walk with & take care of His children. It is NO SMALL WONDER when the disciple recognizes this. He/she usually gets up, goes immediately back to God's will (go & wait in Jerusalem), & finds other believers to testify of what the living Jesus has done for them! This is how it often works.
Let's summarize.
1. HE wants us to come to Him & tell Him all about it rather than move away from His declared will. One of the greatest weapons against discouragement is 'telling it to Jesus'. Go there first rather than miles down the road. After all, HE lives to walk with His children!
2. When we do this, Jesus will strengthen our faith & build us in His Word! He will feed us on His commands, warnings, & promises. He is alive & that is what HE does!
3. He will reveal Himself to us often in familiar pathways which we have forgotten because of our weakness. This revealing is an act of Almighty God who is with us because JESUS IS ALIVE - BACK FROM THE DEAD!
Let's pray for an abiding with the Lord that rescues us from the seasonal superficial appreciation of the resurrection of Christ & rather, moves us into a practice of His Presence within! The love of God has sent Him to die & pay for us, the power of God has raised Him to secure our life in Him, the faithfulness of God has kept Him close to all His children (deep within our hearts), and the wisdom of God reaches to us, seeks us out when we wander, & brings us back to trust Him again & again!
This scenario has played out over & over again in my life. It will keep happening. So will Jesus do the same for you. BE of good cheer my friends. Is there trouble, worry, anxiety, evil, disappointment anywhere? Tell it to Jesus! If we draw near to the Lord - HE will draw near to us! Have a great resurrection Sunday - in fact, have a life that counts on His life every day!