Death Bed Counsel

What would you say to those you loved if you knew you were on your way out?  Think of it.  You know you are about to die.  Then, in your last hours, you have the chance to talk to the one (or ones) you love the most.  In those last hours, wouldn't you tell them the most important things on your heart?  Wouldn't you make sure that they were taking care of the things that mattered the most, the things you wanted handled when you were gone?


Paul writes in two Timothy during such a precious & poignant time. Though Paul shares much, this short letter of 2nd Timothy is packed with those most important things from Paul to Timothy.  

For instance, hear 2Tim.2:1-2, "You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.  And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."  I want to examine this piece of the inspired Word.


First, let's set the stage.  The old apostle has served the Lord faithfully all his Christian life.  He is about to be executed by the Roman government for his faith.  Paul knows the end is near and by his side is his beloved friend.   Paul loves Timothy so much that he calls him 'my son'.  Though Paul never married & never had children, the bond he felt for Timothy was akin to a father & son - a powerful relationship indeed.  Paul draws near his son to give away his heart.  In that exchange is included what Timothy needs to know, what he needs to do, and what is truly important for Timothy's future, etc.


Now let's examine our 2 verses.  Paul tells his son, be strong.  That is, be powerful or mighty in God.  Become what you have started out to be - a mighty & enduring disciple of Jesus!  Be strong in grace - God's ability & favor.  That grace began a work in you Timothy & allow (even seek) for that grace to complete your life.  Paul knew that God's grace can overcome any obstacle that Timothy would ever face.  Paul wanted Timothy to have the very strength of Jesus within.  His hope for his son was that he would conquer all sin, temptation, distraction, & opposition to the will of God.  Paul's hopes for Timothy were high indeed & he also knew he would not be on earth to see it all happen.


And then Paul tells Timothy of his all important assignment.  This assignment carries the same flavor as my last few articles.  Timothy is to remember & gather everything that Paul has ever taught him, ever shared with him, ever showed him; and give it away.  That is what Paul did for Timothy.  He had given him the full treasure chest of his inheritance in God.  Paul had kept nothing back.  That is what I want to do for my kids, to give them everything I have.  But more than that, I want to give them everything that God ever gave me - not just the physical or natural possessions but THE TRUTH ON LOAN FROM GOD!  


And Timothy is to take this incredible load of treasure and find faithful men so that he can commit it to them.  Timothy is to exercise the same 'giving away', the same depositing of spiritual wealth, to operate exactly the way Paul had dealt with him.  Timothy is to find faithful men to give his spiritual treasure to.  Not just anyone will do.  They must be faithful = consistent, loyal, devoted to Jesus, people.  These are to be the carriers of truth once Timothy is gone.  


These faithful people are to give away what they have received from Timothy.  They too, will have a like burden, a like responsibility.  They will teach others also.  They too must embrace the great & awesome responsibility of love to care for those who come after.  And Paul gives Timothy this great life assignment virtually on his death bed.  This was one of those critical things you tell your loved one when time is running out & Providence has granted you a final opportunity to make your wishes known before you depart.  


Yet, it goes beyond that for this is the mighty apostle & this passage is included in the Holy Writ - God's inspired Word.  This is not just the wish of a dying man but the revealed heart of the inspired man of God charged with spreading the Gospel everywhere he could in his world.  This command to Timothy rings down through the ages to all Christians & it is high time it rang right through our very beings.  


Come now my friends, let us not wait until our last breath is escaping to realize the great assigment.  Can we see that if we will be strong in the grace of Jesus Christ then a keen view of THE HOLY CALL will be ringing in our hearts & ears?  We must tell our children - tell everyone who is coming afer us - tell all who God sends to us or sends us to - tell them about the Lord - tell them the whole story - tell them everything we have been given!


 Especially, we are to commit = INVEST & TRUST, the truth of Jesus to people who are faithful - people who have embraced the salvation mercifully brought to them in their generation - people who have perceived the call to 'pass on' to others what God has given them.


This is the hour.  This is our inheritance to give.  We cannot allow it to die with us!  We cannot squander it!  And we cannot afford to see the truth (our greatest treasure) be buried with us.  It is not too soon or too late to start finding faithful people & giving away (committing) to them The Lord & His ways, commands, warnings, promises, instructions, statutes, principles, predictions, 'the whole shootin match'.  Catch the vision!  Hear Paul speaking His dying wish to you!  Hear God's voice behind it saying, "My son, my daughter, search out & build faithful people who will carry the whole truth to the next generation, after you are gone."


O GOD - hear my cry!  Give us a heart to give away what we have received from you & from previous generations of the faithful.  Let this be our ambition that consumes all other ambitions!  Do not 

allow us to be distracted by the blessings & the abundance of natural things around us.  Neither allow us to be paralyzed by the fears the enemy would place on us.  Neither allow us to be way-layed by petty differences and absurd offenses that do not matter in the long scheme of things.  Set us on fire with YOUR PRESENCE & YOUR CAUSE!


Be of good cheer my friends.  The Lord is with us all during our pilgrimage.  GOD is with us at our last breath!  And to the members of the church where I pastor,

May HE make me faithful to this end - make us faithful to this end - make Faith Fellowship faithful to this end - that is our name you know - Faith Fellowship!


The Right Prayer for the Old 'Grayhead'


Passing The Baton