Jesus is the bondage breaker
In Hebrews 2:14-15, the writer tells us our Lord took on flesh and blood, just like us, in order to destroy the one who had held the power of death, that is the devil. Christ did this that HE might release us because we were held in a grave bondage - the bondage brought on by the fear of death.
This fear of death is not just fear of drowning, burning in a fire, contracting some deadly disease, or going down in a plane crash. This fear comes in many forms and as I lay in bed in Tanzania last month, I pondered this awhile. For instance, people are afraid that they will not experience all they have hoped for in this life = a form of the fear of death. Single people wonder if they will ever marry and wonder if they will ever be happy if they don't - fear of death. Unable to face the trouble and stress of their lives, substance abusers continually practice addictive behavior and cannot get free. They find a false comfort in the booze or drug of their choice rather than face real life without it = fear of death. Preachers bent on big or 'successful' ministries lose their peace and joy because no matter how hard they try, they simply cannot gain the success in numbers and notoriety they desire = fear of death. Somehow, they think that God wants to give them this fabulous success, yet, what God wants us FRUIT - something quite different I am convinced. Parents are afraid that their kids will not be safe, kids are afraid they won't please their parents, 'high schoolers' want to be popular and they will often compromise on what their conscience tells them is wrong in order to gain that popularity, political ambitions thrive on half truths and back room compromises in order to gain the vote and hold power; all of these are another form of the fear of death.
All of this fear comes from a lack of security in Christ. Did Jesus mean it when HE said, "Though you die yet shall you live and not a hair on your head will perish."? Of course He did. But do we believe it. When we do we are truly at peace and become free from this bondage that the fear of death brings. In fact, Heb.2:15 says that we humans have been subject to this fear and its bondage ALL OUR LIVES! When a person is stressed, frustrated, afraid, in dread, worried, filled with anxiety, choked on cares, and looking over their shoulder wondering when the 'hammer will fall', that's the fear of death and the ugly bondage that goes with it is a galling burden. This bondage is the root of so many sins that you and I cannot count that high! What is to be done?
That's where Jesus comes in. HE took on our human nature so that HE could be one of us, die as one of us, rise from the dead and destroy the enemy who held us in this fear all of our lives. Once a person is truly secure in Christ, this fear and its bondage starts melting away - blessed relief. Let me give you an example.
Say you owe a terrific debt and there is no way you will ever get the money to pay it off. The debt chokes the life out of you. Bankruptcy is possible but once you research it, you discover that the cure night be worse than the disease - no credit of any kind for several years I am told. You are beside yourself. Self-recrimination has its full way and you live in a dark and condemned place with no way out. Then, someone, a trusted friend, comes to you and promises to pay the debt next month - THE ENTIRE DEBT! You know they are good for it because their character is so trustworthy. You have no doubt that they will pay the amount on the date next month as they have promised. Though the debt is not yet paid actually, you feel the relief and walk around as if you are completely free. You plan your life again. There is no more stress even though the debt has not actually been paid, you count on it so much it's as if it is already taken care of. Such is the confidence you have in the one that has promised - confidence in their ability & their integrity to do what they have said.
This is how it is with the promise of life eternal. Jesus will take us & make us "like unto His glorious body." That's what it says! But do we believe it. In order to gain this restful assurance we must experience 2 things I believe. First, God must touch us in a way that opens our spiritual eyes and ears. We must come to know the love of God in Christ that passes knowledge. I have always believed that though we need to choose the Lord - every sinner does; yet, what we really need is a moral miracle within - in other words, God must happen to a person.
Secondly, we must become saturated in His Word, because faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. The Christian who ignore His Bible is one who ignores God. That person is attempting to live on a starvation diet. He/she may succeed in staying alive for now but that is what any sinner can do. That kind of life is driven by the fear of death. with that fear comes a bondage so great that it is life long, suffocating, and hell bound. Sin cannot possibly be stopped or even slowed down unless we allow God to do something about the fear = the lack of the sense of security in the love of God.
The point of this article is that Jesus brings this deliverance - IF WE BELIEVE HIS PROMISE! This is what Peter meant when he said in 2Pet.1:4 that through enjoying and living in God's precious promises, we become partakers in His divine nature. We begin to act and think like Jesus! Then we will be free; free to give instead of horde, free to serve instead of trying to lord it over others, free to empty ourselves for the Gospel's sake rather than to fill ourselves with everything in our sinful imagination, free to praise rather than be self-conscience, free to walk in joyful obedience to the Lord's will rather than be a puppet to the flesh. Didn't Paul say in Rom.6 that if we have been crucified with Him - then we shall be raised with Him? Sin will have no more dominion over us because we are now engulfed in His grace. This is one of the things I saw in Africa last month and I wanted to share with all of you. Stay close to your Bibles and believe what you read. God is not a man that HE should lie. HE is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - the God of the living and not the dead. Pray for the Lord to bring a fresh sense of the eternal life HE has promised - that life HE has with His Father. Then the Word and the Lord will meet together in our hearts and we shall be free of the bondage that kept us in jail our lives - blessed Jesus! Jesus keep you strong my precious friends!